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September 2024 Blog

Butterfly Evolution

Akito Kawahara is a renowned entomologist and professor at the University of Florida, known for his groundbreaking research on butterfly evolution.

Delias sambawana, a butterfly that hails from Indonesia, at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

Akito Kawahara’s childhood fascination with butterflies, nurtured by his father, On Kawara, led him to a significant discovery in butterfly evolution. He revealed that butterflies likely originated in North and Central America over 100 million years ago, challenging the previous belief that they evolved in Australasia. 

His work also suggested that butterflies evolved during the time of bees, not bats, as many had thought. Kawahara’s research is deeply connected to his memories of exploring nature with his father. Now, as he continues his scientific pursuits, he passes on his passion to his daughter. His journey underscores the powerful influence of early interests and family in shaping a scientific career.

Why your child should be listening to an audiobook tonight?

Playing an audiobook at bedtime is proved to be a game-changer for families. Children 3-6 years old struggling to settle down at night are helped to relax and transition from an active to a calm state with the use of audiobooks. Integrating them into the bedtime routine makes the process smoother and more enjoyable for parents and children alike, thereby turning bedtime into a bonding experience. Avoiding screens before bed is another benefit of audiobooks, as well as sparking children’s interest in s tories and books. 

Audiobooks offer a great advantage when travelling, and they help to improve vocabulary and comprehension, which makes them a versatile and enriching resource for children.

This Month Christine’s Magical Garden will release Series 1 Audiobooks where sociable Buzzy describes the community of bees working in and around their beehive. Chompy informs us about the lives of caterpillars, Chirpy reveals little known aspects of the habits of crickets, Busy shows us a beautiful environment in which butterflies develop and thrive and popular Lively, who wears red boots, shares her knowledge about ladybirds.