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Thank you for taking an interest in Christine’s Magical Garden. This is a brief history about my amazing journey towards the creation of Christine’s Magical Garden.

In 2018 I purchased a dollhouse for my grandchildren, but it turned into something much more profound than just a toy. It became an unexpected lifeline for me during a difficult time and helped me cope with burnout and insomnia.

I spent countless hours during the night sewing curtains and bedding, as well as clothes for the dolls. I even made a wire “older sister” doll for the baby at the request of my darling granddaughter. 

During this time I discovered the amazing world of online dollhouse shopping, and I bought various items such as crockery and furniture to decorate the little interiors. But when I couldn’t find the books I wanted for the tiny bookshelf, I decided to make my own. 

These developed into a series of books with characters who are endearing and playful. They tell delightful stories that are educational and fun, and aim to inspire and challenge growing minds.

In a short space of time I created a whole community that lives, plays and learns together, and that’s how Christine’s Magical Garden came into being!

With Warmest Wishes - Christine
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